Bachelor Graduation Project


"Making a project is a tough task … but the results are joyful"


Kiddo: Educational Social Media Application for Kids

Kiddo Project was the most challenging project I've worked at on the life of bachelor study...        but I've enjoyed all the aspects on working at it.

What is Kiddo...?

Kiddo is an educational social media application that focus on fostering children's responsibility from an early age, by assigning tasks from the parents/ guardians to the child in an entertaining ways.

Enjoy reading...!

What is the reason to came up with Kiddo?

The main goal is to tighten the relation ship between parents and their children and to increase the responsibility senses. 

You may wonder how did we come up with the name...?

The philosophy behind Kiddo's name that it's a combination of 2 words Kids and Do, and that means that kids can do assigned tasks.

Who have work on Kiddo?

The project have been done with my cooperative and creative team:
Sanaa Bu Khamseen
Noura Alaskar
Enas Alghamdi
Almaha Almulhim 
and me
 Jawaher Alkhamis
Our great supervisor: Albandary Alamer
And Our great evaluators:Ms. Madeeha Saqib & Dr. Rachid Zagrouba

No, we've done more to Kiddo...!!!!

Kiddo got a published a paper at " ARSSS International Conference", that was held at " Osaka, Japan 15 - 06 - 2022.
it could be found here pages 48 - 52
or here 😊

Lastly the Graduation Project showcase
Have fun watching it...!!

to view the whole showcase click here

Got confused? 
Here is a simple infographic about Kiddo 

Thanks for reading until here, I appreciate it A Lot...!

Share with me your thoughts 😊
